
The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert

HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby, Rails, Git, E-Commerce with Stripe, Servers, Heroku, Bootstrap, Databases, and more

instructor profile Rob Dey




Rob Dey

software engineer

4.87 rating

1,533 reviews

20 Students

29 courses

Hello there! I'm Rob Dey and I'm a software engineer with expertise in full-stack (front/back-end) web development. Over the last 10+ years I've built software for Coca-Cola, Toyota, Newell Rubbermaid, Edison Nation, First Data, Bennigan's, and more. I've also founded my own profitable startup. I'm currently developing EdTech software for musicians.
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🔥 Free for Everyone!

Originally $60, now free!



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About this Course

RequirementsYou don't need to prepare or download any materials to get started. Everything you need...


You don't need to prepare or download any materials to get started. Everything you need will be covered within the first few videos.


This complete course is designed to educate and transform you into a job-ready, employable web developer. You'll learn by building real applications with features found in sites like Facebook, Hulu, and Dropbox.

You'll also build and launch a real startup that you can customize for your own business idea or online store. This course includes a downloadable ebook that details the steps to get hired as a freelancer or full-time web developer.

By the end of this course, you'll have learned HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, e-commerce and more. You'll have built and launched a startup from scratch and your own portfolio of sites to share with employers and get hired.

Why learn Rails? It's one of the highest paying programmer job titles out there with an average salary of over $100,000 in many cities and an entry level salary of approximately $77,000. It's easy to learn with the right instructor and the job market is excellent because there are simply not enough developers right now. The included ebook will show you exactly where to find the best, flexible jobs and how to do well with the interviews.

How does the course work?

Duration: Over 175 lectures and 22+ hours of videos and over 30 hours of exercises. The course is designed to also point you to a curated set of even more advanced topics to continue your learning and fill out your knowledge.

Learn: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby, Rails, Git, E-Commerce with Stripe, Servers, Heroku, Bootstrap, Databases, and more.

Build: You'll create your own portfolio of 14 sites (from the exercises) and you build and launch a startup that can sign users up and earn money by charging for premium memberships. You'll be able to customize this to launch your own business, online store, or startup and earn money around the clock.

Get Hired: The included ebook walks you through everything you need to find jobs, do well in the interviews, and get hired and paid entry level or more.

Take this course if you want an amazing, flexible job and lifestyle. Half-day Fridays, free food and beer, working from home are all common perks for Ruby on Rails web developers. And, if you have great startup ideas, this course will show you how to build them.

I tried so many courses, books, and tutorials when I was learning, but I was disappointed with what I found. That's why I made this course - so that you have one place to learn everything you need to become job-ready. Join me inside!

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for anyone who wants a job as a well-paid, professional web developer, and for anyone who wants to launch a startup. No experience required. This course is complete and covers everything you need to know and you'll learn one of the highest paying software skillsets: Ruby on Rails.

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