Students can study at York St. John University in 2025 and work in the UK

Great news for international students at York St. John University (YSJU)! Starting in 2025
Great news for international students at York St. John University (YSJU)! Starting in 2025, Ysju has now officially permitted student visa holders to work during their semester holidays and full-time. This opportunity will help students gain valuable professional experience, support their finances and build professional networks in the UK. Visas you hold and the level of your course:
1# unteraugggrad (basic or spare sales course):
Work up to 10 hours a week during the semester.
Work fully during the official holiday period. Full-time on vacation (pursuant to UK Employment Law). How to provide s Certificate:
1# Download the Authorization Letter:
Register with your Vision account and select Verify Authentication. Your personal and course details.
The letter will be sent via email to the university's email address.
You can also download official PGT data with vacation documents for course start and end data. Violation of these conditions can have a serious impact on the immigration situation.
1# UK Graduate Visa:
Stay and work in the UK for at least two years after completing your bachelor's degree. It was ratified by the School Evaluation Committee.
The Visa and Compliance team will notify UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) and receive an email if they can apply.
You must apply before your current student visa is implemented.
To apply, please visit UK:
As soon as you receive a job from an authorized sponsor. Requirements with potential employers.
For more information, please visit:
After graduation in the UK: Next Steps
From February 17, 2025, other universities in the UK will be automatically offered to all legitimate graduates. This ensures that you meet all academic requirements and that you can apply for a visa for a skilled or graduate. Only after receiving a full award and ratifying the results. Ysju's Visa and Compliance team will notify UKVI by name. -Student-Visa/.
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